EU citizens

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EU citizens

In this category you will find all the relevant information about living and working in Germany as well as our Guide to public authorities, which will give you orientation when you take the important first steps in the new country. If you have a specific request and could not find the information you want in our Information library or in the Questions and Answers section, you can use our Advice centre search to find a personal contact person in your area or send us your request for advice directly. In the area of important information portals, we have put together a selection of other websites with helpful information for newly immigrated EU citizens.

  • Unsere Infothek bietet Ihnen Informationen zu allen wichtigen Themen rund um das Leben und Arbeiten in Deutschland.

    Information centre

    Only those who are well informed can make the right decisions in everyday life. Our information centre offers you information on important topics related to living and working in Germany.

  • Haben Sie konkrete Fragen zum Arbeiten und Leben in Deutschland? Hier finden Sie die Antworten.

    Frequently asked questions

    Do you have specific questions about working and living in Germany? You can find the answers here.

  • Wegweiser

    Guide to German authorities

    The first steps in a foreign country can be confusing. Let us help you to settle in more quickly in Germany.

  • Wenn Sie für sich oder Ihre Familienangehörigen persönliche Beratung wünschen, können Sie über diese Suchfunktion eine Beratungsstelle in Ihrer Nähe finden.

    Searching for an Advice centre

    If you are looking for personal advice for yourself or your family members, you can use this search tool to find an advice centre near you.

  • Viele weitere Infoportale bieten ebenfalls hilfreiche Informationen für Zugewanderte in Deutschland. Ein Blick lohnt sich.

    Key websites for information

    There are many other websites which also offer helpful information for migrants in Germany. It's worth taking a look.