The Office for the Equal Treatment of EU Workers was founded in 2016 and has the mandate to support EU employees in exercising their rights to which they are entitled under the freedom of movement for workers in Germany.
According to the regulation on the free movement of workers within the Union (EU 492/2011), EU workers are to be treated equally with German citizens with regard to employment, remuneration and other working conditions. The equal treatment actually and legally extends to everything that is related to the actual exercise of a remunerated activity and the procurement of an apartment. It is also important to remove all barriers to the mobility of workers, particularly as regards the conditions for the integration of the worker’s family in the host country.
In order to ensure that EU employees and their family members are treated equally in practice, the Equal Treatment Office addresses its offers to employees from the EU and their family members as well as to experts from the existing advisory structures and multipliers.
The specific tasks of the Equal Treatment Office are: