Everyone lives with certain risks, which in the event of damage can quickly result in very high costs. Insurance is important so that for example in the event of illness or after an accident you do not have to bear the costs alone. In Germany, a distinction is made between insurance that every employee must have (social insurance) and private insurance.
The social security system in Germany includes protection against the largest risks. If you work in Germany subject to social security contributions, you are usually a member of the following statutory insurance companies:
Social security membership costs a fixed percentage of your income. You bear part of the costs, the other part is borne by your employer. The costs are deducted directly from your wages.
If you are employed in Germany, you are usually obligated to be insured with the German social security system.
Please note: There are exceptions to this principle for certain forms of work. For example for certain posted persons, cross-border workers and persons who work in several EU countries.
Your employer has to register you under social security law. This means that the employer must provide the responsible health insurance company with the following information:
With this notification it is ensured that the employer pays the social security contributions. In order for the employer to be able to fulfil its obligations, you must give the employer all the necessary details and information. You are therefore subject to an obligation to cooperate.
Please note: The employer must give you a copy of the reported data. If you violate the reporting obligations, both you and the employer can be sanctioned.
In some sectors, the employer must submit a report before starting employment:
This means that you must also provide the necessary information as part of your obligation to cooperate before taking up employment and must always have your ID with you in the event of an inspection.
You can find more information on the registration and contribution procedure at German pension insurance. The health insurance companies also offer information on their websites.
Tip: When you register for social security, you will receive a social security number that you will keep for life. With the help of the social security number, the data required for the pension determination are brought together and kept ready. So keep this number in a safe place.
The social insurances mentioned in Germany cover important life risks such as health, unemployment or old age. However, there are other risks that you should insure yourself for in Germany. But not every insurance is suitable for every life situation. Above all, insurance cover should cover the risks that could threaten your existence in the event of damage.
The most important private insurances in Germany include:
There are many other voluntary insurances. For example, private accident insurance pays for an accident during your leisure time. Legal protection insurance for legal help in a legal dispute. There is also insurance for pets, loans and travel. Check exactly which insurance you really need. As every insurance costs money.
Tip: Which insurance is right for whom also depends on age and marital status. The consumer advice centres and the Stiftung Warentest help you to choose the right voluntary insurance for you.