Child benefit, Maintenance advance, Allowances: Information in seven EU languages

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Family benefits Child benefit, Maintenance advance, Allowances: Information in seven EU languages

Around four million people from other EU countries live in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Family Affairs now provides information on benefits for families such as child benefit, maintenance advances or tax exemptions in six other EU languages besides German. The foreign language information was created with the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration.

Family benefits explained

Family benefits explained


A number of infographics and explanatory films on various services for families are now available in English, Spanish, French, Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian - in addition to German. First of all, the family benefits, child benefit, child allowances, supplementary child allowance, maintenance advance and the relief amount for single parents are explained. Further information offers are planned.

Creative Commons license

The infographics and explanatory films in the six EU foreign languages are also available on YouTube. All videos are under the Creative Commons license by-nc-nd/3.0/ . That means, they may be redistributed and published in an unchanged form for non-commercial purposes and including the name of the author “Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration”.

EU citizens in Germany

Most of the people with foreign citizenship who live in Germany come from other EU countries. There are just under four million in total. As part of the EU free movement of persons, your families are entitled to family benefits such as child benefit or tax exempt amounts for children.

Child benefit

Child benefit is one of the most important benefits for families in Germany. It reaches the families directly and thus contributes to easing their financial burden.


Explanatory film Child benefit

Supplementary child allowance

The allowances for children serve to make the subsistence level of children tax-free.


Explanatory film Supplementary child allowance

Supplementary child allowance

The supplementary child allowance supports low-income parents. By means of it, cover of ALG II can be avoided.


Explanatory film Supplementary child allowance

Maintenance advance

Single parents who do not receive maintenance from the other parent, or who do not receive it regularly, can apply for a maintenance advance payment.


Explanatory film Maintenance advance

Relief amount

In order to support single parents in a targeted manner, single taxpayers can claim a tax relief amount.


Explanatory film Relief amount